Official website www.pej22.es
Hi friend! Hello pilgrim!
The Holy Year of Compostela is 2021 (extended until the end of 2022 by Pope Francis). A new gift from God that gives us the chance to get going on the path, knowing that we are never alone along the way and that we are always accompanied. Following a process of hope, open to new challenges that help us find ourselves, our brothers and sisters and, therefore, find God. And naturally, so we can make a commitment to our society, every person with their own concrete reality.
And, now a tradition in our country’s youth ministry, every summer when there is a Holy Year of Compostela, a European Youth Pilgrimage (PEJ) is organised, another chance to walk to the tomb of the Apostle Saint James. The last one was in 2010 and we have been excitedly awaiting its arrival!
More information

If you have any questions or queries, please send us an email at info@pej22.es